The rapid spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic that is currently spanning the globe has raised the question for many "How do we respond?".
The Azorian Group stands ready to help. We have helped individuals, corporations, governments across the globe protect their citizens, and their livelihood in the face of insurmountable odds time and time again. We focus on maintaining your operations, safeguarding all members of staff and taking the measures necessary to save lives wherever you may operate. It is imperative that your organization have proper Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) and a robust Infectious Disease Emergency Response (IDER) in place and we are here to make sure you are ready if and when an unpredictable situation arises anywhere across the globe.
We have been on the front lines of several infectious disease outbreaks across the globe and work tirelessly to endure our clients are both prepared to safeguard both their employees and bottom line. While supporting the New Liberty Gold Project in Liberia, we executed a custom Continuity of Operations (COOP) plan to maintain operations during the 2014 outbreak of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever which paralyzed most of West Africa. Our containment efforts were successful and the project staff avoided any cases despite the widespread infection across the country. The project remained on schedule and on budget and remains a benchmark example of Operations during an outbreak that we utilize whenever planning a clients response to an Outbreak.
Our experience in Liberia allowed us to provide technical planning assistance to the Government of the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda to ensure they were ready to combat potential cases of Ebola on the island. Bermuda, in its role as the primary Emergency Landing Point for Trans-Atlantic flight routes from Africa, faced the potential of receiving a hundreds of cases simultaneously if an infection was identified on a flight bound for North America from the disease hot-spots. We worked closely with Bermuda's Premier and Defense Ministry to ensure they were prepared with an isolation plan and patient wards.
We maintain far reaching operations across the Democratic Republic of Congo and help ensure our clients are always prepared to meet the wide ranging challenges including Violent Militias, Terrorism, and diseases like Ebola. This experience allows us to stand ready to help your firm, organization or government be prepared regardless of geographic location or present challenges in your theater of operations.
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